The adventures of little boy Finn

Pics o’ the Day: Daddy & Finny after a haircut

Daddy & I got haircuts together today! Here we are right after! I’m sucking on a lollipop!

Frosty the snowman

Mama said: This morning Finn sang for us, sweetly and merrily, “Frosty the snowman… was a jolly, happy soul… with a corn cup on his head! Frosty the snowman… was a jolly, happy soul… with a corn cup on his head!” (He repeated this many, many times.) His intonation was perfect. (Note that Daddy thinks […]

Frosty the snowman

This morning Finny sang for Mama & Gabe, sweetly and merrily, “Frosty the snowman…was a jolly, happy soul…with a corn cup on his head! Frosty the snowman…was a jolly, happy soul…with a corn cup on his head!” (He repeated this many, many times.) His intonation was perfect.

Pic o’ the day: No room for Mama

“Can we go outside and draw with chalk?”

Finny: I cleaned up my mess, Mama. Can we go outside and draw with chalk now? Mama: Sure. Finny: Can we make a cardinal bird? Can we make a lot of birds? Mama: Sure. You want to make a whole bunch of different colors of birds? Finny: Yeah! And a whole buncha colors of roads, […]

On Mama’s phone

Mama posted this on Facebook: Finny just picked up my work phone and said, “Carrie Newborns… yes… yes… diapers? NO!” And then he hung up. I really need to sub-contract this boy.

“Mama, Gabe and me …”

“Mama, Gabe and me are running into our ch’others!”