The adventures of little boy Finn

From Mama’s blog: On Picky-Eatin’ Preschoolers

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. I have mentioned before that my four-year-old son, Finn, is the pickiest of picky eaters. My older son has always been an adventurous eater, and I was smug about that until Finn came along. Now I know I can’t take any credit for Gabe’s love […]

From Mama’s blog: A bedtime joke

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. This evening’s joke, brought to you by Finn, age four: “What sort of blanket sleeps on a turtle? A sleeping blanket! Ahahahahahahahaha!”

Pic o’ the Day: Finny in Clifton Park

Today, I went with Mama & Gabe to Clifton Park. I played & fed ducks!

Gazing thoughtfully up at the ceiling

Finny lies in bed, gazing thoughtfully up at the ceiling. “I’m still four?” he asks. “You’re still four,” Mama replies.

Pic o’ the Day: From Mama’s blog: A beautiful day for riding bikes

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. … and a beautiful day for goofy faces:

A story I told Mama

“Once there was a little tree. And a big tree came along and ate him. And then a bigger tree came along and ate him. And then they were all dead. And a house came along and said (low voice here), ‘Oh my goodness, they’re all dead.’ The End!”

Pic o’ the Day: Easter eggs!

I was very proud of the Easter eggs that Gabe & I colored!

Finny on Easter

“Mama, will the Easter bunny bring eggs for the babies in the hospital?”

Video o’ the Day: Finny’s story

I told a story about my trucks! Mama especially liked my little wiggle at the end!

Another Finny joke

Finn’s been making up jokes again: Finn: “Mama! Mama! I have to tell you one of my new jokes!” Mama: “Okay… ” Finn: “How did the house turn into a new house?” Me: “How?” Finn: “Because it moved its furniture! AHAHAHAHAHA!”