The adventures of little boy Finn

Pic o’ the day: “No more room for Finny!”

Finny calls Gabe a baaad word


Here’s what Mama heard in the car on the way home from piano this evening… Gabe: “Finn, did you just call me a bitch?!?” Finn: “Uh—huh! My call you a bitch! A bitch! A bitch! You a bitch, Gabe!”

Finny & Mama make a chalk creature

Finny & Mama make a chalk creature … … with polka dots … … & a spiky robotic tail … … while Finny drew pink poop. “I make poop!” When they were done, Finny took off his pants & shoes & started walking down the sidewalk!

Finny cracks a joke

Zippy did it!

Pic o’ the day: Washcloth

What I do with the door!

What I do: 1 Slam bathroom door shut! 2 Scream because I’m trapped! 3 When someone opens the door, slam it! Scream more loudly! 4 Repeat!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0830

Daddy & I had quite the conversation!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0725

[flv: 480 640] I saw this huge bottle on the table at my Mama’s & figured I could suck on it. I was sadly wrong.