The adventures of little boy Finn


Translation: I wish I could have a waterslide. It would have loopty-loops two of them. Then a big drop. And last but not least time to ride it Hahhhhhhhh. It’s […]


Translation: I am thankful for games like Uno and cats and dogs. And I am thankful for movies. And school. And toys. And food. And books. And family. (Note from […]

Cole slaw

At lunch today, I saw a classmate’s cole slaw and said, “What the hell is that?” I got a frownie for that. 🙁 Funnily enough, the classmate’s name was Cole, […]


Daddy’s friend Jans was at a violin recital yesterday that his 12-year-old daughter Fiona was performing in. He was sitting next to a woman whose son was also performing. The […]

Excited about kindergarten

Tonight I practiced copying letters on sheets of paper, saying I was doing my homework, and then I put the paper into a folder. I’m so excited about kindergarten. It’s […]

Pic o’ the Day: Playing in water at school

Here I am with a bunch of other kids at Forest Park Montessori School, playing with water & a bunch of other toys & stuff!

Pic o’ the Day: Finny & Trish at Forest Park Montessori School

I’m sharing a funny moment with Trish, my (very patient) teacher & the founder of Forest Park Montessori School, my pre-school!

Naming mountain animals

Today at pre-school, I identified various mountain animals & then gave them names! Here they are! Squirty the mountain lion (thanks, Richard Scarry!) Jingle Bell the raccoon Catnip the coyote […]

Pic o’ the day: Finny’s 2012 school picture

School pictures crack Mama up. Fortunately, the little snot trail sneaking out of Finny’s right nostril is really only visible on the 8×10.

PIc o’ the day: Finny’s moose

I drew this today: Daddy asked me what it was & I said “a moose drinking”.