The adventures of little boy Finn

Find doze train tracks dat go up and down!

Finny: “Mama? Mama, could you help me find doze train tracks dat go up and down? Wif da bridges? Because… I have been finking about doze ALL DAY!”

Finny talking in his sleep

Poor Finny was talking in his sleep: “No, Gabe, I don’t want help. I don’t need any help, Gabe. Go away!”

Pic o’ the Day: I went to the Dentist for the first time!

I went to the dentist for the first time today, & I was a very good boy! The dentist said that my exam was better than perfect! So apparently my diet of sticky carbohydrates & refusing to let anyone help me brush my teeth is working nicely! Behold the promise of Finny’s teeth to come!

A rare bird

Finny is playing with his collection of little plastic “aminals.” “Sshhhhh!” he just commanded Mama in a loud whisper. “They’ve spotted a rare bird!”

Naming mountain animals

Today at pre-school, I identified various mountain animals & then gave them names! Here they are! Squirty the mountain lion (thanks, Richard Scarry!) Jingle Bell the raccoon Catnip the coyote Boris the bear (thanks, Dr. Seuss!) Owl the owl (thanks, Winnie-the-Pooh!) Rudolph the elk Smokey the big-horned sheep (thanks again, Richard Scarry!) Snowman the zombie […]

It’s cold, mama!

Finn, getting into car: “It’s cold, Mama. It’s cold as a hot dog!” Me: “A hot dog?” Finn: “No… no… it’s cold as a Popsicle!” Gabe: “It’s as cold as a witch’s boob in a brass brassiere.” Me: “Oh, Gabriel…” Finn: “Yup, that’s what I’m talkin’ about.”


As we were driving to dinner tonight, Daddy mentioned to Gabe that a relative’s mother is dying of cancer. “Oh no!” said Gabe, “What kind?” Finny piped up, “I think it’s banana.”

Endearing moments in a hectic morning

Mama wrote: Endearing moments in a hectic morning: 1) Gabe requests spicy okra and cauliflower pickles in his lunch; 2) Finn steps on the bathroom scale and says, “I’m measuring my feet!”