The adventures of little boy Finn

From Mama’s blog: Pretzel Logic

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. “Mama, can I have dat kind of pretzel wif two eyes anna mouf?” He proceeded to create a whole pretzel family, and then some pretzel neighbors, and the pretzel children cried when all the others were eaten.

From Mama’s blog: On Reverse Psychology

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Today I am grateful to the genius who invented reverse psychology. It came in mighty handy this hurried morning, which went sort of like this … Me, in the bathroom getting ready: “Oooo, thanks for putting your dishes in the sink. But I bet you […]

Pic o’ the Day: Playing in water at school

Here I am with a bunch of other kids at Forest Park Montessori School, playing with water & a bunch of other toys & stuff!

From Mama’s blog: Mama’s Guide to Inducing Despair in Your Four-Year-Old

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Today’s tip: While packing his lunch, make his PBJ on the really expensive bread with millet seeds in it.

From Mama’s blog: Dinner Drama

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. At dinner tonight, Finn required a short period of grieving for the meal he had meant to ask for. When that was finished, he came back to the table and happily ate the dinner he had asked for in reality.

Pic o’ the Day: Feeding ducks

Mama & Gabe & I rode our bikes to Clifton Park! While we were there, we fed ducks!

Pic o’ the Day: Mixing bowl

I helped Mama make Gabe’s birthday cake! She warned me first about putting my fingers in the bowl while the mixer is going, & I promised her I would never do that!