The adventures of little boy Finn

Another Finny joke

Finn’s been making up jokes again: Finn: “Mama! Mama! I have to tell you one of my new jokes!” Mama: “Okay… ” Finn: “How did the house turn into a new house?” Me: “How?” Finn: “Because it moved its furniture! AHAHAHAHAHA!”

From Mama’s blog: Nostalgia for language permutations

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Of course I want my children to speak clearly and with accurate pronunciation and grammar and all … but part of me will always miss those hilarious mispronunciations and misuses and reversals and convolutions of which, with a four-year-old, there are fewer and fewer all […]

Pic o’ the Day: From Mama’s blog: A boy and his dog

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Our dog Violet is very tolerant. She really is the perfect dog (except that she’s quite flatulent).

From Mama’s blog: More???

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. It never fails: A child spills a big cup of something messy and sticky all over the place, and then, without missing a beat, looks up and asks for more of whatever it was.

Pic o’ the Day: From Mama’s blog: Napping with Cats: Addendum

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. It was really hard for us to get up this morning. Snuggly Zippy wasn’t exactly helping, either.

8:50 a.m. and it’s time to leave

Mama says: 8:50 a.m.: Almost time to leave, and I have one saying he has no appetite and is too sick to go to school; and the other is parading around naked singing Jingle Bells in a Louis Armstrong voice and pretending he’s a robot. We’re off to a great start!

Find doze train tracks dat go up and down!

Finny: “Mama? Mama, could you help me find doze train tracks dat go up and down? Wif da bridges? Because… I have been finking about doze ALL DAY!”

Finny talking in his sleep

Poor Finny was talking in his sleep: “No, Gabe, I don’t want help. I don’t need any help, Gabe. Go away!”

Pic o’ the Day: I went to the Dentist for the first time!

I went to the dentist for the first time today, & I was a very good boy! The dentist said that my exam was better than perfect! So apparently my diet of sticky carbohydrates & refusing to let anyone help me brush my teeth is working nicely! Behold the promise of Finny’s teeth to come!

A rare bird

Finny is playing with his collection of little plastic “aminals.” “Sshhhhh!” he just commanded Mama in a loud whisper. “They’ve spotted a rare bird!”