The adventures of little boy Finn

From Mama’s blog: Nostalgia for language permutations

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Of course I want my children to speak clearly and with accurate pronunciation and grammar and all … but part of me will always miss those hilarious mispronunciations and misuses and reversals and convolutions of which, with a four-year-old, there are fewer and fewer all […]

Pic o’ the Day: From Mama’s blog: A boy and his dog

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Our dog Violet is very tolerant. She really is the perfect dog (except that she’s quite flatulent).

From Mama’s blog: More???

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. It never fails: A child spills a big cup of something messy and sticky all over the place, and then, without missing a beat, looks up and asks for more of whatever it was.

Pic o’ the Day: From Mama’s blog: Napping with Cats: Addendum

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. It was really hard for us to get up this morning. Snuggly Zippy wasn’t exactly helping, either.

8:50 a.m. and it’s time to leave

Mama says: 8:50 a.m.: Almost time to leave, and I have one saying he has no appetite and is too sick to go to school; and the other is parading around naked singing Jingle Bells in a Louis Armstrong voice and pretending he’s a robot. We’re off to a great start!

Find doze train tracks dat go up and down!

Finny: “Mama? Mama, could you help me find doze train tracks dat go up and down? Wif da bridges? Because… I have been finking about doze ALL DAY!”

Finny talking in his sleep

Poor Finny was talking in his sleep: “No, Gabe, I don’t want help. I don’t need any help, Gabe. Go away!”

Pic o’ the Day: I went to the Dentist for the first time!

I went to the dentist for the first time today, & I was a very good boy! The dentist said that my exam was better than perfect! So apparently my diet of sticky carbohydrates & refusing to let anyone help me brush my teeth is working nicely! Behold the promise of Finny’s teeth to come!

Naming mountain animals

Today at pre-school, I identified various mountain animals & then gave them names! Here they are! Squirty the mountain lion (thanks, Richard Scarry!) Jingle Bell the raccoon Catnip the coyote Boris the bear (thanks, Dr. Seuss!) Owl the owl (thanks, Winnie-the-Pooh!) Rudolph the elk Smokey the big-horned sheep (thanks again, Richard Scarry!) Snowman the zombie […]

It’s cold, mama!

Finn, getting into car: “It’s cold, Mama. It’s cold as a hot dog!” Me: “A hot dog?” Finn: “No… no… it’s cold as a Popsicle!” Gabe: “It’s as cold as a witch’s boob in a brass brassiere.” Me: “Oh, Gabriel…” Finn: “Yup, that’s what I’m talkin’ about.”