The adventures of little boy Finn

Oh no, part 73

Finny: “Hey Rickie, would you smack my ass?!”

Oh no he didn’t!

Mama: “Wow, you guys, look at all the dandelions in that field!” 5-year-old Finn: “Whoa! Holy shit!”

Finny asked Mama for help

Mama & I had this conversation last night! Finn: “Mama, will you help me put on my jammies?” Me: “You can put your jammies on by yourself.” Finn: “But I want you to help me!” Me: “But you know how to put your jammies on all by yourself!” Finn: “Please, woman!”

Pics o’ the Day: Finny’s Target adventure

At Target with Mama, Finny insisted on riding up and down the aisle, PEDALING! (normally he Fred Flintstones it & just uses his feet to propel him forward) While they were at Target, Mama bought Finny a new dinosaur toy. Finn took this picture and says: “This is my dinosaur, and his name is Horns, […]

Finny’s story to Mama tonight

Finny: “I’m gonna tell you a story. A mama chicken was serving some baby chickens lunch. Then they heard a great big stomping monster. It picked up a baby chicken, and the baby chicken cried, ‘Wah wah wah.’ The end.”

Talking more softly

Mama: “Finny, sometimes you hurt our ears when you talk in such a loud voice. Let’s try talking a little more softly instead of yelling.” Finn: “BLAAAAAHHHHH!”

I want to play with my fire truck

Finn: “I want to play with my fire truck.” Me: “Oh, okay, it’s right there.” Finn: “I KNOW. I just SAW it.” Me: “Okay, I didn’t know if you knew where it was.” Finn: “You’re pissing me off, all right?” Four is the new 14? My mouth is still hanging open.

From Mama’s blog: Mama’s Guide to Inducing Despair in Your Four-Year-Old

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Today’s tip: While packing his lunch, make his PBJ on the really expensive bread with millet seeds in it.

From Mama’s blog: Imaginative Play

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Yet another difference between my two boys: Gabe did almost no imaginative play as a preschooler; Finn acts out elaborate dramatic scenarios involving cars, trucks, plastic animals and astronauts, pretzels, pieces of cheese, whatever he can get his little hands on. I love eavesdropping, hearing […]

Pic o’ the Day: Where’s Finny at the Farmer’s Market?

This article & picture appeared on a local news website! And where is Finny, you might ask? Hiding behind Mama & Gabe, as I didn’t want to be in the picture!