The adventures of little boy Finn

Finn video of the day, 2009 0830

Daddy & I had quite the conversation!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0725

[flv: 480 640] I saw this huge bottle on the table at my Mama’s & figured I could suck on it. I was sadly wrong.

Finn video of the day, 2009 0806

I’m 8 months old now, & I’m pretty good at crawling!

I like saying “Aaaahhh” & “Buh…”

I like saying “Aaaahhh” & “Buh” & “Bwuh” & “Guh”, but my absolute favorite thing to do is blow repeated enthusiastic raspberries!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0718

Mama gave me ice cream and OH MY BABY GOODNESS it was good and I want more! Now!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0701

My 1st time swimming ever, with Auntie Denise in her parents’ pool. Soooo fun!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0624

My Daddy got a new iPhone and I wanted it really really bad!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0622

At about 6 1/2 months, I ate sweet potatoes for the first time, & I thought they were good!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0527

My brother Gabe, almost 7 years, tickles his little brother – me! – almost 6 months old. Unfortunately, I’m quite the hair-puller!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0521

I’m 5 1/2 months old now, & my favorite noise to make is a crackly French “kkkkkk” sound!