The adventures of little boy Finn

Daddy & Mama talk about how awesome I am

Daddy to Mama: Finny was just so ridiculously sweet & nice & good tonight! I kinda hope he never changes. Mama to Daddy: Yeah, he’s a real honey. I love so much about him: his emphatic sincerity, his constant singing, his funny drawings, his little baby teeth that won’t be there much longer…

A scatological tale

Daddy is not including the picture that Mama sent him, just so you know. Here’s what she texted Daddy: Here is your son taking a crap in your front yard. He said he didn’t have to while we were still in the house. Then, right after we stepped outside, door locked, he said he HAD […]

Oh no, part 73

Finny: “Hey Rickie, would you smack my ass?!”

Finny asked Mama for help

Mama & I had this conversation last night! Finn: “Mama, will you help me put on my jammies?” Me: “You can put your jammies on by yourself.” Finn: “But I want you to help me!” Me: “But you know how to put your jammies on all by yourself!” Finn: “Please, woman!”

Talking more softly

Mama: “Finny, sometimes you hurt our ears when you talk in such a loud voice. Let’s try talking a little more softly instead of yelling.” Finn: “BLAAAAAHHHHH!”

I want to play with my fire truck

Finn: “I want to play with my fire truck.” Me: “Oh, okay, it’s right there.” Finn: “I KNOW. I just SAW it.” Me: “Okay, I didn’t know if you knew where it was.” Finn: “You’re pissing me off, all right?” Four is the new 14? My mouth is still hanging open.

From Mama’s blog: On Reverse Psychology

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Today I am grateful to the genius who invented reverse psychology. It came in mighty handy this hurried morning, which went sort of like this … Me, in the bathroom getting ready: “Oooo, thanks for putting your dishes in the sink. But I bet you […]

From Mama’s blog: Mama’s Guide to Inducing Despair in Your Four-Year-Old

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. Today’s tip: While packing his lunch, make his PBJ on the really expensive bread with millet seeds in it.

From Mama’s blog: Dinner Drama

Mama has a blog & sometimes we cross-post it here. At dinner tonight, Finn required a short period of grieving for the meal he had meant to ask for. When that was finished, he came back to the table and happily ate the dinner he had asked for in reality.

Pic o’ the Day: Feeding ducks

Mama & Gabe & I rode our bikes to Clifton Park! While we were there, we fed ducks!