The adventures of little boy Finn

“I’m not gonna sleep in my closet!”

“I’m not gonna sleep in my closet! There are skunks & elephants & tigers & trains in dere!”

Finny’s questions & comments while having Where the Wild Things Are read to him

Just for fun, Mama wrote down all my questions and comments during this evening’s reading of Where the Wild Things Are: Why is he building dat fing? Why is he chasing dat dog? Why did his mudder call him Wild Fing? Why are trees growing in his room? Mama, what happened to his wall? Why is […]

Pic o’ the day: Finny with Daddy, Grandma Betty Sue, & Uncle Gussie

This was also Daddy’s 44th birthday!

“Out of nowhere, I said this tonight…”

Out of nowhere, I said this tonight in bed while stalling for time: “It’s rabbit season! Duck season! Rabbit season! Duck season!”

Pic o’ the day: Ra-Ra & Finny

In Ben & Jerry’s in the Loop, just after eating ice cream!

Finn sings Old McDonald

Three-year-old me serenades Mama & Gabe at breakfast with his own enthusiastic version of Old McDonald.


Gabe, in car tonight: “Squirrel!” Mama: “Huh? Where’s a squirrel?” Gabe: “Up your butt.” Mama: “Gabriel!” Finn: “Actually, up in a tree.” Me: “You’re right. Probably sleeping by now.” Gabe: “What? Aren’t squirrels nocturnal?” Mama: “No.” Me: “No.” Gabe: “Finn! You don’t even know what nocturnal means.” Me (thinks): “But owls are nocturnal.”

Me learning about pronouns!

Finn: Have some pepper, too, Mama. Here—my give you some. Mama: Oh, thank you, Finny. Finn: Thank you, Mama. Mama: Say, “You’re welcome!” Finn: I…I welcome!

Pic o’ the day: Two goofballs with glasses

Brushing my teefies!

I handed Mama my Thomas the Tank Engine toothbrush & told her, “I brushed all my teefies, Mama!”