The adventures of little boy Finn

I like saying “Aaaahhh” & “Buh…”

I like saying “Aaaahhh” & “Buh” & “Bwuh” & “Guh”, but my absolute favorite thing to do is blow repeated enthusiastic raspberries!

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0718

In think I look like a tough guy from Joisey in this picture: “Yo! Whaddayou lookin’ at, huh?!”

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0716

Am I not a suave, sophisticated, & handsome baby?

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0628

Daddy asked Jans to use Photoshop to touch up a picture he’d taken of my Grandma Betty Sue & I. This is the picture he got back from Jans! This is the picture he received a few minutes later: And this is me with my Uncle Gus – I think it’s funny that we comb […]

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0628

Somehow Daddy & I got mixed up here! Tuckered out!

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0625

My Mama got me an exersaucer, which was really neat! The first time she set me in it, I just had to put parts of it in my mouth, which is where I like to put everything!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0624

My Daddy got a new iPhone and I wanted it really really bad!

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0621

Daddy wouldn’t wake up, darn it!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0619

[flv: 500 375] Splish splash, I was takin’ a bath … and having the most fun with my Mama!

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0614

Just resting on the floor next to my cool laptop that my Uncle Gussie gave me! What’s that you say?!? I know what this hand gesture means, but no one else seems to: