The adventures of little boy Finn

“Look at my baseball, Daddy!”

3-yr-old Finny: Look at my baseball, Daddy! Daddy: That’s a basketball, honey. Baseballs are white. Finny: Not mine!

Finny & Gabe build a fort with pillows in a dishwasher box

Finny & Mama make a chalk creature

Finny & Mama make a chalk creature … … with polka dots … … & a spiky robotic tail … … while Finny drew pink poop. “I make poop!” When they were done, Finny took off his pants & shoes & started walking down the sidewalk!

Pic o’ the day: Napping with Mousie

Pic o’ the day: Mr. Neat

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0809

Bouncing around in the horsey ride was fun!

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0625

My Mama got me an exersaucer, which was really neat! The first time she set me in it, I just had to put parts of it in my mouth, which is where I like to put everything!

Finn video of the day, 2009 0509

My brother Gabe’s daddy Ken took 5-month-old me to the park & put me in a swing, which I really enjoyed, since it was my 1st time in a swing!

Finn pic of the day, 2009 0508

Daddy was supposed to remove the red-eye from these pictures, but he thought they proved what a little devil I am. In this one, the evil little demon baby – me! – gathers his powers before unleashing the dreaded lightning from his eyes at his nemesis Beary!